Is there vegetarian food in Nagaland? Minister busts popular myth on Twitter

India is a land of so much cultural diversity, and our cuisine is a testimony to that. No matter which state, region or city you travel to, you will find a wide variety of food all under one roof. The North Eastern states also have some interesting cuisines and unique preparations that are slowly being discovered by foodies and travellers. A common myth in the minds of people is about the food served in the northeastern states like Nagaland. They often wonder whether Naga cuisine is entirely meat based or has some vegetarian options as well. Nagaland minister Temjen Imna Along took to Twitter to bust this myth in his latest post. to keep track:

(Also Read: Nagaland Food: A Beginner’s Guide To This Northeast Indian Cuisine,

Nagaland Minister Temjen Imna Along shared his tweet while replying to a user who asked him if vegetarian food is available in Nagaland. “All these organic healthy vegetables And yet we choose french fries,” wrote the minister in his tweet. It has already garnered over 2.9k likes and hundreds of comments.

In the pictures he shared, we can see bunches and heaps of fresh vegetables like tomatoes, okra, cucumber, beans, gourds, mushrooms and spinach. There were also some fruits like banana, mango and strawberry in the frame. The frame also showed bamboo stems, which are commonly used in Naga Cuisine, Temjen Imna Along said in her tweet, “See how those fresh vegetables are inviting you to Nagaland. Isn’t that tempting enough? P.S. Someone is asking me if they will get vegetarian in Nagaland.”

Twitter users liked the post about Naga cuisine and how the minister busted the myth of not having a vegetarian option. Some people were also impressed by the way the vegetables were stacked and displayed on banana leaves. “They are mostly farmers, who bring their products for direct sale,” the minister revealed in the comments section. Some people wanted this fresh vegetables and fruits to be sold in the market big cities Too. One user wrote, “It is important to promote local and seasonal products and local and seasonal cuisine to boost the local economy as well as tourism.”

Take a look at the reactions:

(Also Read: Smriti Irani shares traditional Naga dish recipe made by 13-year-old budding chef,

This is not the first time that a food-related post by a Nagaland minister has gone viral. He regularly shares pictures and information about his favorite food, much to the delight of Twitter eaters. Recently, Mr Along shared a picture of his dinner on the Rajdhani Express during his journey from Guwahati to Dimapur. click here To read more about this story.

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