Is your child suffering from digital eye strain? here are some tips

During the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone’s life was hidden behind the scenes. Not only adults, but children also moved from books to virtual world for education. From online classes to school homework, children spent most of their time in front of a smartphone or laptop screen. Since going out was prohibited due to the lockdown, the only fun activities to be had with the kids were watching television or playing video games. The habit developed and now, it is not going away very quickly. This has affected the health of children a lot, especially the increased time spent on the screen is worrying for their eyes. At such a young age, children’s eyes are sensitive and are at high risk of getting damaged by excessive exposure to mobile or television screens. In such a situation, if you are also worried about your child’s eyes, then follow these easy tips to keep them healthy.

use a larger font size

While doing homework, kids usually use small font size on the screen due to which they have to keep laptop or phone close by. This also puts pressure on their eyes. Instead of using a smaller font, switch to a larger font size which will help them read better and clearer.

make a time table

Sometimes, you have to be a little tough on your parents to protect them. Make a timetable for them to use the smartphone to reduce the time they spend on the screen.

regular eye exam

To know how your child’s eyes are working, it is best to get them checked regularly by the doctor. This will help you to know whether your child is facing any problem or not. Don’t wait for the time when he starts complaining because the sooner the better.

feed them nutritious food

Kids love to eat junk food and processed snacks. However, it is the responsibility of the parents to inculcate in them the habit of eating a nutritious diet that includes all the food groups. Feed them milk and milk products, carrots, tomatoes, seasonal vegetables and fruits as well as green leafy vegetables.


As much as exercise is beneficial for adults, children too need to indulge in physical activities to stay fit and healthy. Take them for a walk or add small exercises like jumping or cycling to your routine.

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