ISI and Pakistan benefited from Punjab Congress crisis: Kapil Sibal

Punjab Congress crisis: Senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal on Thursday said that the crisis in the state party leadership of Punjab is an advantage for the ISI and Pakistan.

The Congress on Wednesday plunged into a new crisis after Congress’ Punjab chief Navjot Singh Sidhu abruptly resigned just two months after taking over. Sidhu had already angered former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh, who is likely on his way out of the Congress.

Today Sibal said: “What does it mean in a border state (Punjab) where this is happening to the Congress party? This is an advantage for ISI and Pakistan. We know the history of Punjab and the rise of militancy there. Congress should ensure that they remain united.”

He said, ‘There is no president in our party so we do not know who is taking these (related to Punjab) decisions. We know and yet we don’t know,” Sibal said in Delhi.

He also said that he was speaking on behalf of Congressmen who had written the letter in August last year and “awaiting the action to be taken by our leadership with regard to the election to the office of the President, the CWC and the Central election.” Committee”.

In August last year, 23 senior leaders, including Sibal and Ghulam Nabi Azad, wrote to Sonia Gandhi demanding reforms in the organization and a full-time president. The Congress has not had a full-time president since Rahul Gandhi stepped down following a humiliating defeat in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

We are not “Ji Huzoor 23”. It is very clear. We will keep talking. We will keep repeating our demands: Congress leader Kapil Sibal, one of the 23 party leaders who wrote a letter to the Congress president last year. many organizational improvements

“We (G-23 leaders) are not the ones who will leave the party and go elsewhere. This is astonishing. Those who were close to him (party leadership) have left and those whom he does not consider close to him still stand with him.

The former Union minister also said that one of his senior aides has written or is going to write to the Congress President to immediately call the CWC so that talks can be held on why we are in this state.

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