Israel extends travel ban for another 10 days – Times of India

JERUSALEM: Israel on Friday decided to extend its strict travel restrictions, including its entry ban on all foreign nationals, for another ten days, to prevent further cases. omicron Types of coronavirus entering the country.
In a statement issued by the Prime Minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett, And Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, the ban on passengers arriving at Israel’s Ben-Gurion International Airport will last until at least 22 December.
Under current requirements, all Israelis returning from abroad must self-quarantine until they receive a confirmed negative coronavirus PCR test result, while those arriving from high-risk countries must undergo a state-mandated quarantine. Hotel isolation is required until they receive a negative. PCR test result.
The statement also said that additional restrictions and incentives for vaccination may be imposed in the coming days.
Israel has identified at least 21 cases of the highly mutated Omicron coronavirus disease that were first detected in the southern Africa, Israel, a country of 9.3 million people, has reported 8,210 deaths from the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic. Most of its population – more than 6.3 million people – have received at least one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, and more than 4 million Israelis have received a booster.
