Istanbul: Erdogan says oligarch Abramovich was part of Russian delegation at Istanbul talks : Media – Times of India

Ankara: Russian oligarch Roman Abramovichapproved by European countries Russiaattack of UkraineWas part of Russia’s delegation to peace talks in Istanbul This week, the President of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan Was told on Thursday.
Abramovich made a surprise appearance at Tuesday’s talks in Istanbul, the first in-person meeting between the sides in more than two weeks. However, a presidential feed from the time showed that he was not sitting at the main table with the two negotiating teams, but between the observers.
“Abramovic took part in the talks as part of the Russian delegation. Instead of looking at who was at the table, we should look at whose side they were on,” Erdogan said.
“If Russia and (Russian President Vladimir, Putin They preferred to have Abramovich in their delegation, that means they trust and rely on him,” broadcaster NTV told reporters on his return flight from here. Uzbekistan,