Italian food may soon get UNESCO World Heritage tag by December 2025

From delicious cheesy pastas to handcrafted pizzas and more, Italian cuisine is the epitome of comfort food. It has gained worldwide popularity and continues to be a staple feature on party menus. In recognition of its diversity and popularity, Italian cuisine may soon receive recognition from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). According to several news outlets, the Italian government announced the nomination of Italian cuisine as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage element in March 2023.
Reportedly, the nomination documents emphasize the influence of cuisine in shaping the bio-cultural diversity of Italy. According to european food agencyThe nomination dossier defines Italian cuisine as “a set of gestures based on social practices, rites and multiple local knowledges that, without hierarchy, recognize and express it”.
Read also: Baguette, Kimchi and more: 9 popular foods on UNESCO’s cultural heritage list

According to reports, Italian government officials have said that although a proposal for the nomination of Italian cuisine as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage element will not be evaluated until 2025, the country will spend the next two years promoting its food around the world. . In the past, UNESCO has recognized the art of making Neapolitan-Style Pizza (Neati Pizzaiolo) As part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, with the aim of preserving and raising awareness of the cultural heritage that has been passed down through generations.
Click here For some classic Italian recipes that you can prepare at home in no more than 30 minutes.

About Somdutt SahaExplorer – as Somdutt likes to call himself. She yearns to know the unknown, be it food, people or places. A simple aglio olio pasta or dal-rice and a good movie can make his day.