Italian man tests positive for monkeypox, Covid, HIV in one go: Report – Times of India

A 36-year-old man in Italy has simultaneously tested positive for monkeypox, Covid-19 and HIV (Representational image).

Rome: In the first such case, a 36-year-old man in Italy has simultaneously tested positive for monkeypox, Covid-19 and HIV, media reports said.
according to daily mailScientists have reported this as the first known case of a person testing positive for these viruses.
Nine days after returning from the trip, the man began to develop a range of symptoms – including fatigue, fever and sore throat – Spain earlier this year.
She spent five days in Spain from June 16 to 20, during which she admitted to having unprotected sex with men. On July 2, the person tested positive for Covid-19, according to a case study report published in journal of infection,
In the afternoon of the same day, the rash started appearing on his left hand. The next day, small, painful vesicles surrounded by a rash appeared on his torso, lower limbs, face and glutes, the report said.
By July 5, the vesicles had spread further and developed into pimples—small bumps on the skin—at which point the person went to the emergency department. San Marco University Hospital in Catania, Italy and was later relocated to infectious disease Unit. There, he was tested for monkeypox and later came up with a positive result.
The patient was also screened for several STIs. He tested positive for HIV-1, and the researchers said that “given his preserved CD4 count, we can assume that the infection was relatively recent”.
After recovering from Covid-19 and monkeypox, the patient was discharged from the hospital on July 11 and sent home for isolation. By this stage, her skin wounds had healed, leaving a small scar, followed by crusting.

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