Jairam Ramesh takes a dig at Ghulam Nabi: ‘Sitting in government-approved bungalows’

Senior Congress leader Jairam Ramesh responded to a video posted on Twitter by J&K Congress targeting former Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad. Jairam Ramesh claimed that the events in the video were “ground reality” and not “a reality created by people sitting in bungalows sanctioned by the Modi government in New Delhi”, taking a jibe at Azad.

The former Union minister tweeted, “This is the ground reality, not a reality fabricated by people sitting in New Delhi in Modi government, bungalows with big lawns and permission to install fake news.”

The Jammu and Kashmir Congress had on September 1 tweeted a video of Congress workers of all blocks of Bhallesa sub-division holding a monthly meeting at the party office in Gandoh. The meeting has been held on the first day of every month for more than 50 years.

The J&K Congress tweet also mentioned that Bhallesa was the home village of Ghulam Nabi Azad.

In the video, the natives of Changa village under Bhallesa constituency can be heard taking an oath of allegiance to the Congress, criticizing Ghulam Nabi Azad for not taking a stand against those who do not take any names. Want to “harm democracy”.

The tweet read, “Congress workers from all blocks of Sub Division Bhallesa gathered at Congress Office Gandoh to conduct monthly meeting, which is being held on the first day of every month for more than 50 years. Bhalesa is the home village of Ghulam Nabi Azad.”

This is not the first time that Jairam Ramesh has targeted the former Congress leader. Earlier, when Ghulam Nabi Azad left the Congress, Jairam Ramesh tweeted Saying that “the DNA of the GNA is full of Modi” and Ghulam Nabi “revealed his true character”.

Meanwhile, Azad has been targeting the oldest party ever since he left the Congress. recently he Told ‘The people there (in Congress) are useless today…’.

Ghulam Nabi Azadi on 26 August resigned Prior to organizational elections from all positions including the party’s primary membership and the leadership accused the party of “fraudulent” in the name of internal elections.

He was at least the fourth major leader to quit the Congress in recent times. Other high-profile exits include Kapil Sibal, Ashwini Kumar and Jitin Prasada.

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