JEE Advanced 2022: Know some tips from last year’s toppers

Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Bombay will conduct JEE Advanced 2022 exam tomorrow, August 28. For those students who are looking for tips for the exam, we have a list of last year students who topped the exam by sharing their experience.

Mridul Aggarwal, who created history by getting everything India Ranked 1 in IIT entrance exam (AIR) but scoring the highest ever in JEE Advanced, he said that he didn’t have a fixed timetable, rather he focused on daily goals. He secured 348 marks or 99.66% marks out of 360 marks. He also said that his family was very supportive as he had planned the dinner time and outings according to his schedule.

Anant Lunia, who secured All India Rank (AIR) 3 in JEE Advanced 2021, said that not passive preparation but continuous self-analysis through mock tests and practicing difficult questions is the key to crack IIT entrance exam. Apart from books, notes and tests, critically checking what he did, where he used to lose time and marks every day, helped him improve his performance over time.

They say that JEE Advanced is a test of accuracy. It is better to do it fast and try to finish the exam than taking more time to attempt the questions correctly and avoid silly mistakes. Lunia said he devoted one day a week to testing and attempted three tests a day. This helped you to get familiar with the paper pattern and understand what he can do better, he can manage time more efficiently.

Reading: Brain Teaser: JEE Advanced Aspirants, Can You Solve These Questions From IIT Entrance?

JEE Advanced Rank 5 holder Sai Lokesh Reddy says like-minded friends helped him crack IIT entrance. Healthy competition motivates one and helps one stay on track, especially when exam preparation goes on for years, believes the 17-year-old. While preparing for IIT entrance, Reddy moved into the hostel, which he claims gave him a better preparation environment.

He appeared for at least one mock test every week and tried to complete the three-hour test in at least 2 hours 30 minutes and save the remaining 30 minutes to re-check his answers and ensure that He doesn’t lose any points because of any calculation error, he told Writing mock exams helped them to analyze their preparation and rectify mistakes accordingly.

Another topper, Gautam Das, shifted to Oriya medium CBSE To crack JEE Advanced. The 17-year-old secured 115 rank in the national level entrance exam and got admission in IIT Kanpur. Gautam says that CHSE Odisha Board focuses more on board exams. He focused on JEE Advanced preparation instead of JEE Main. Claiming that most of the topics covered in JEE Main were covered in JEE Advanced, at a really difficult level, Gautham claims that preparing for Advanced helped him in Mains as well. For his preparation, he opted to study on the basis of chapters and topics instead of studying on the basis of number of hours. He would take a topic and finish it by that day.

The books he referred for JEE Advanced 2021 include Arihant, HC Verma for Physics, Inorganic Chemistry for Physical Chemistry, GRB. He also practiced Shree Balaji Prakashan’s question bank, for maths, he took multiple test series and NCERTs for chemistry.

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