JEE Main topper Dheeraj says self study, time management helped him score 100 percentile

Dheeraj Kurukunda, a native of Telangana, is one of the 24 students who have managed to secure 100 per cent marks in JEE Mains 2022. Unlike most of the candidates, for Dheeraj, the top rank did not come as a surprise. The 17-year-old, who said he was confident of passing the exam, said, “I had worked hard for the exam and I knew I did well in it.”

It was the planned program of endurance and dedicated self-study which he believes helped him achieve the top rank. The topper claims that he believes in self study and he devotes eight hours a day for it. “I had divided my timetable according to three subjects. I used to give two hours for each subject and for the remaining two hours I used to revise some of the topics already learned,” he said.

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Giving some exam tips for JEE Main aspirants, Dheeraj asked the students to try not to panic with the exam. “Take small breaks while giving time to self study. A short break will not harm you and will help you in the long run,” said Dheeraj, who loves to play table tennis and carrom and uses sports as his mindfulness routine.

He also asked the students to work on their time-management skills. He said, “While it is important not to waste time while preparing for the exam, one should not force oneself to solve it in the stipulated time. It is foolish to aim like trying to solve a question in 30 seconds. Mistakes can happen. So take your time with each question keeping an eye on time management.” Dheeraj claims that his family supported him a lot while preparing for the exam.

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The Covid-19-led restrictions and going to online classes claims that Dheeraj helped him and allowed more time for self-study. “I think my result has definitely improved because of it.”

While preparing for JEE Advanced, he is now aiming to study Computer Science at IIT Bombay. A student of Narayan School, he has secured 99 percentile in Physics and 100 percentile in Chemistry and Mathematics in his JEE Mains session 2. For his JEE Main session one, he has secured 100 percentile in all the three subjects.

When asked whether it was difficult to prepare for board and JEE together, he said, “Most of my JEE preparation was over by March. After which I started preparing for the board about two months before the exam. He said that for both the exams he mostly prepared through NCERT with mock test papers.

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