JEE, NEET 2022 aspirants, here’s how you can make your own timetable

only a few months left for JEE Main And NEET, is the time to prepare and prepare a timetable for the students to bring continuity during the studies. While Physics and Chemistry are common for both Engineering and Medical entrance exams, Mathematics and Biology are optional.

It is extremely important to know the exam pattern while preparing the timetable. Though the division of questions is variable yet it is advised that you give more emphasis on those topics which carry more importance in the exam. Go through the previous years question papers to understand the demand of the exam and prepare accordingly. There is a need to understand the changes in NEET pattern thoroughly.

Read also| JEE, NEET 2022: Section-wise Important Topics and Books for Engineering and Medical Entrance Exams

prepare a timetable

A well-structured, realistic timetable is a must for any IIT-JEE and NEET aspirant as it will help you to streamline your preparation. Make short notes of formulas and highlight important concepts as you read. This will not only help you solve numericals at the end of the chapter but will also help you in your last-minute revision.

Set aside time in your timetable to solve previous year question papers regularly. It will not only train you to be quick in answering questions and revising your topics, but you will also get an idea about frequently asked topics and questions. Here are some other tips to follow while preparing for the exam:

time management: Divide your time equally. Each subject deserves your full concentration and attention. When you are writing the paper don’t waste time on those questions which you don’t trust. You should be able to manage your time and attempt maximum number of questions.

Understand the concepts: Majority of IIT-JEE and NEET aspirants try to understand the concepts of Physics by solving questions. However, it should be the other way around. You should pay more attention to the concepts and try to understand the process of derivation. This will enable you to solve most of the questions related to that particular topic.

While studying each topic follow the sequence like start by reading that chapter from NCERT book. While reading, try to understand the logic behind a particular etymology. Lastly, take some relevant questions or numerical questions and test your conceptual clarity by solving them.

Previous Year Question Papers: Concerned, which topics are important from the exam point of view. Go through some previous year question papers to find out the weightage of each subject.

Relevant Study Material: The books you choose for your preparation are of utmost importance. Therefore, be very careful while choosing them. You should start studying topics from NCERT books as these books will give you clarity on various topics and they are written in very easy language.

Amendment: No matter how hard you work or join the best coaching institute; If you don’t revise what you have read then all your education fails. The human mind is such that we tend to forget things when we do not know them again and again. So, make a habit of revising your day’s learning before going to bed. You can use mind map for this.

Use analogy: Candidates must use the code to remember the important concepts. These help in long term retention of concepts as they help you to connect the concepts with the concepts already in your mind.

Use technology: We are very fortunate that we have got everything at a click of the mouse. If you find it difficult to understand a topic, just google it. Watch YouTube videos and other tutorials related to that topic. There are various online platforms that you can follow for more quick and effective learning.

Mock Tests and Tips: Taking mock tests will help you in self-assessment. You will be able to analyze your situation and work on your flaws. A mock test will help you to know your weaknesses and strengths. It is more important to have a consultant who can assist you in your SWOT analysis and accordingly help you get the best out of your efforts.

Getting into the real exam mindset: Once the admit card is out, it is time to train your brain for maximum output by adapting it to the actual exam slot. Even if you have taken at least 5 mocks in the same slot and at the same time, you will be able to apply your learning effectively and handle the situation in the actual exam better.

– The author Safalta. is the CEO and co-founder of

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