J&K: Non-local carpenter shot in Pulwama

Terrorists shot and injured a non-local carpenter in J&K, Pulwama
Image Source : PTI (file image)

Non-local carpenter shot at in J&K’s Pulwama


  • Injured Mohammad Akram was shot
  • he was taken to a nearby hospital
  • Akram hails from Bijnor in Uttar Pradesh

On Saturday, terrorists shot and injured a non-local carpenter in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district. The injured Mohammad Akram (40) was shot at around 9.10 pm.

They were taken to a nearby hospital and then shifted to SMHS Hospital here, an official said.

Akram hails from Bijnor in Uttar Pradesh. The officer said that he lives in Arihal in Pulwama.

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