JNU, ​​BHU and 30 other universities to admit PG students through CUET. DU, Jamia will drop it this year

New Delhi: A total of 32 higher education institutions, including Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Uttar Pradesh’s Banaras Hindu University (BHU), have decided to admit students to their postgraduate courses through the Common University Entrance Test (CUET), ThePrint reported. has learned.

While Delhi University (DU), Jamila Millia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University will use CUET for admission to their undergraduate (UG) programmes, they have decided not to opt for the entrance test for post-graduate (PG) courses. year.

DU has said that it has decided not to adopt CUET PG this year because the exam, when necessary For UG admission, not so for PG admission.

According to University Grants Commission (UGC) chairman M. Jagadesh Kumar, the list of 32 universities using CUET for conducting PG admissions includes Hyderabad University, Central Universities of Gujarat, Haryana, South Bihar, Kerala, Rajasthan . and Himachal Pradesh, Manipur University, Sikkim University, and Tezpur University among others.

“We look forward to more universities joining the list in the future,” he told ThePrint.

CUET was announced As a single window for admission to undergraduate programs in central universities across the country in March this year. Since then, many other non-central universities have also decided to adopt this exam.

The country’s apex statutory body for higher education, UGC, had last week announced that admission to PG courses would also be done through CUET. after the year,

The entrance exam for postgraduate courses will be held in the last week of July, and will be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), which is also conducting the CUET UG exam.

The use of CUET for undergraduate admissions started in March.

Read also: Expensive crash courses, dropouts – How CUET is transforming higher education

‘Overwhelming response’ from UG applicants to CUET

Earlier this week, UGC chairman Kumar had tweeted That till May 23, a record 11.51 lakh candidates had registered for the CUET UG exam as the registration window for the test was opened on April 2, and around 9.13 lakh had paid the application fee.

He said that “many students who applied are from remote and rural areas”.

Kumar also said that students will now be able to enter the best universities without The burden of getting “very high marks in the range of 99 to 100%” in their school board exams.

“It was not possible for students who could not get high board scores to get admission in top universities earlier. But now it is within reach,” he tweeted.

“The participation of a large number of universities is also very encouraging. In the coming years, more universities are expected to adopt CUET. With the possibility that CUET will be conducted twice a year, this will help students to plan and attempt CUET,” he further wrote.

Kumar Hadi told ThePrint In an interview last month, the UGC was working on expanding CUET for postgraduate programs offered by central universities after it received “overwhelming feedback” from educational institutions regarding the use of the exam for UG courses.

(Edited by Gitanjali Das)

Read also: After central universities, UGC wants state-run and deemed-to-be institutions to conduct CUET. come under