Johnson: Johnson faces UK parliament for first time since no-confidence motion – Times of India

London: British Prime Minister Boris johnson have to face a boisterous Parliament In his first appearance in front of lawmakers on Wednesday since defending a damaging no-confidence vote from his own Conservative lawmakers.
His supporters are likely to show an outpouring of support when he steps up for his weekly prime ministership.s question,
However, critics warn that the political crisis is not over for the beleaguered prime minister, as more than 40 percent of his own lawmakers voted against him in Monday’s no-confidence vote.
Johnson, who called the 211-148 vote a “credible result”, has vowed to resolve it, saying it will be “a credible one” under questions about his leadership and the “Partygate” controversy over lockdown-breaking events on Downing Street. It was time to draw the line. ,
The prime minister’s team has tried to regain the offensive, pointing to a scheduled speech expected in the coming days on new economic support measures, as Britons grapple with a crisis of survival.
But there are many questions about whether Johnson can regain the confidence of voters, as the party prepares for two Westminster by-elections this month and an upcoming investigation by lawmakers into whether he lied to parliament on “Partygate”.
Even without any clear candidate to succeed him, former Tory party leader William Hague argued this week that Johnson should now “seek a respectable exit”.
Comparing Monday’s difference to the votes that eventually overtook Johnson’s predecessors Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May, Hague said it showed “a greater level of disapproval than any Tory leader has ever tolerated and survived.” Is”.
Hague wrote in The Times, “Inwardly, he must recognize this, and put his mind to an exit in such a way as to save the party and the country from such suffering and uncertainties.”
Guardian Reports on Wednesday that rebel Conservative lawmakers were planning a “vote strike” to cripple the government’s legislative agenda, as it did at the end of May’s term.
The AAI newspaper also said that despite his narrow victory in the no-confidence vote, the prime minister is now facing a “battle of renunciation”, with rebels pushing for his removal.
Johnson, 57, needed the support of 180 of 359 Conservative lawmakers to escape the vote.
Much of Johnson’s cabinet publicly supported him in a secret ballot. But more than 40 per cent of the parliamentary parties did not do so.
Anand Menon, Professor of Politics at King’s College London, said the scale of the rebellion “is a crisis for Downing Street”.
“I think there is little doubt that the vulnerability of the prime minister is going to be the single biggest factor shaping what this government does for the future,” Menon told AFP.
Under current Tory rules, the prime minister cannot be re-challenged for one year, which leaves little time for any new leader to emerge before the next general election until 2024.
But the party’s “1922 committee” of lawmakers, tasked with overseeing leadership challenges, says it can easily change the rules if the majority supports it.
Liberal Democrats are now pushing for a parliamentary no-confidence vote after Johnson survived a Tory rebellion.
“The Liberal Democrats are moving a no-confidence motion in the prime minister so that Parliament can finally put an end to this regrettable mess,” party leader Ed Davey said.
“Every Conservative MP should graciously endorse our proposal and give boris johnson Sack.”
If the government loses a no-confidence motion in the House of Commons, it must call a general election.
This seems impossible given the Conservative majority at present, but Johnson could face a challenging period in the months ahead.
Senior backbencher Tobias Ellwood, who voted against Johnson, said the prime minister was living on borrowed time.
“I think we are talking about months, until the party convention (in October),” he said. sky News,