Johnson: UK PM Boris Johnson condoles mother’s sudden death – Times of India

London: British Prime Minister Boris johnson Condoling the passing of her mother, professional painter Charlotte Johnson VahliHe died suddenly in a hospital here.
The 79-year-old was suffering from Parkinson’s disease and her death was reported in The Times newspaper that she died “suddenly and peacefully” at St. Mary’s Hospital in the West. London on Monday.
Johnson once described his mother as the “supreme authority” in the family.
He and Johnson’s father, Stanley Johnson, had four children – Boris, journalist Rachel, former MP Joe Johnson and environmentalist Leo – before divorcing in 1979.
In 1988, she married American professor Nicholas Wahl. He lived in New York and returned to London in 1996 after Wahl’s death.
At the age of 40, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, but he continued to paint, immobilizing himself with a walking frame while working.
During an interview in 2008, Wahl said in reference to his Parkinson’s: “I try to paint every day if I can, although I have to go to the hospital.
“I still manage to paint, although my hand will suddenly make a movement that is completely unintentional, and it almost brings me to tears.”
Leader of the Opposition Labor Party Sir Keiro Starrer was among the many political leaders who took to social media to send boris johnson His senses.
Starmer tweeted: “Deeply saddened to learn of the loss of the Prime Minister. My condolences to him and his family.”
Conservative Party chair Amanda Milling said she was “thinking of Boris Johnson and his family”, with several fellow Tory lawmakers mourning the death on social media.


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