Johnson: UK PM faced with calls to drop Covid-19 ‘Partygate’ scandal – Times of India

LONDON: With varying enthusiasm, senior British government ministers on Thursday expressed support for conservative Prime Minister Boris johnson and rejected demands to resign for attending a garden party during the country’s first coronavirus lockdown.
Many other conservatives held their tongues, waiting to see if the crisis threatening Johnson’s premiership would fade or intensify.
Johnson apologizes in the House of Commons for attending a “bring your own wine” party in the garden of the Prime Minister’s Downing Street office and residence in May 2020. About 100 employees were invited by a senior aide of the Prime Minister. Billed as a “socially distanced drink” program.
At that time Britons were banned by law from meeting more than one person outside their homes as part of measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Millions were cut off from family and friends, and even barred from visiting relatives who died in hospitals.
Johnson said he understood the public’s ‘outrage’ but stopped short of admitting wrongdoing, saying he considered putting together a work program to thank employees for their efforts during the pandemic Was.
Johnson urges people to wait for conclusion of investigation by senior civil servant Sue Gray At several alleged parties by government employees during the pandemic. Gray, a public service veteran with a reputation as a straight-shooter, is expected to report by the end of the month.
Johnson was holidaying in Downing Street on Thursday. A planned visit to a coronavirus vaccination center was canceled after a family member tested positive for coronavirus, the Prime Minister’The Office said.
Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis said Johnson’s apology was “very, very honest”, but added that the prime minister did not believe he had done anything wrong.
“The prime minister has underlined that he does not believe he has done anything outside the rules,” Lewis told Sky News. “Look at what was found in the investigation, then people will be able to express their views on it at that time.”
Gray does not have the power to punish officers, and Johnson did not say what he would do if he found she was at fault.
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss _ often cited as a possible successor to Johnson _ tweeted: “I stand 100% behind the PM as he takes our country forward.”
treasury chief Rishi Sunki, another potential rival for the top post, was more muted. He tweeted that “Prime Minister was right to apologise and Sue Gray supports his request for patience during his investigation.” Sunak was notably absent from the House of Commons during Johnson’s statement on Wednesday; He was 200 miles (320 km) away on his journey to south-west England.
Opposition politicians say Johnson should resign over his past denial of joining the party and any rule-breaking.
Many conservatives fear that the “Partygate” scandal could become a turning point for a leader who has weathered several other storms over his expenses and his moral judgment.
Some have joined opposition calls for Johnson to step down. Douglas Ross, the leader of the Conservatives in Scotland, said Johnson’s position was “no longer valid”. roger galley Called the prime minister a ‘dead man walking’, and aide Carolyn Noakes said Johnson ‘looks like a liability.’
Johnson has shown no signs that he plans to resign. His spokesman Max Blaine said the prime minister was not considering his strengths and weaknesses.
“I don’t think self-reflection is her priority,” Blaine said. “Their priority is to distribute to the public.”
If he does not resign, Johnson could be kicked out of a no-confidence vote among party legislators, which will begin when 15% of Conservative lawmakers write letters demanding it. It is not clear how many letters have already been submitted.
Senior Labor legislator Lisa Nandy said the police, not just a civil servant, should investigate the alleged rule-breaching.
Nandi said the public is “extremely” angry over the party’s disclosures.
“Based on what I see in my inbox this morning, I think the prime minister should not be confident that he will survive this,” she said.
Many conservatives waited to see how the crisis response develops in the coming days.
conservative legislator Philip Dunne Said the allegations were “very serious”.
“I think the prime minister was absolutely right to apologise yesterday, and I think it’s right that we wait to see what the Sue Gray investigation establishes,” he told Times Radio. “Then whatever happens, people will have to bear the consequences.”
