Karnataka elections: JD(S) promises to restore 4% reservation for Muslims in election manifesto

Last Update: April 27, 2023, 23:32 IST

JD(S) has set a target of winning 123 out of total 224 assembly seats to come to power on its own (File Photo/Twitter)

The party, led by former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda, has also assured to bring a law to reserve jobs for Kannadigas in the private sector, and has promised to provide free higher education for economically weaker students.

The JD(S) on Thursday released its “Janata Pranalika” (People’s Manifesto) for the May 10 assembly elections in Karnataka, with plans to restore the four per cent reservation for Muslims, “pull out” Amul and Nandini brand. A promise was made to reveal the identity of the Kannadiga. , amid various assurances.

The party, led by former prime minister HD Deve Gowda, has also assured a law for Kannadigas in the private sector, and promised free higher education for economically weaker students.

Just before the announcement of elections in Karnataka, the state cabinet led by Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai approved the abolition of the four per cent reservation for Muslims under the Other Backward Classes (OBC) quota and distributing it equally between the dominant Vokkaligas and Lingayats. The decision was taken. communities. The JD(S) in its manifesto has committed to restore the 4 per cent reservation for Muslims.

The manifesto’s promise to protect and strengthen the Nandini brand comes after a controversy erupted recently after Gujarat-based dairy cooperative Amul announced plans to supply milk and curd to the Karnataka market. A section, including the opposition Congress and the JD(S), expressed apprehensions that Karnataka Milk Federation’s (KMF) brand Nandini might be merged with Amul, and targeted the ruling BJP and Union Cooperative Minister Amit Shah for the same. The BJP had rejected the allegation.

The manifesto was released by other leaders including JD(S) legislature party leader HD Kumaraswamy, state president CM Ibrahim and manifesto committee chief and MLC BM Farooq.

The JD(S), which bills itself as a farmers’ party, has announced the “Raita Bandhu” scheme, promising Rs 2,000 per month to agricultural labor families. Along with this, financial assistance of two lakh rupees will be given to the girls marrying farmer youths.

Various other assurances given in the JD(S) manifesto include Rs 6,000 for six months for pregnant women, loan waiver for ‘Stree Shakti’ self-help groups, pension for anganwadi workers, Rs 2,000 per month for auto drivers 2,000 for women, including Rs. registered private security guards, and up to Rs 25 lakh for treatment of rare diseases under the CM Relief Fund.

In the irrigation sector, the party has listed its plans such as: raising funds from the existing Rs 2,000 crore to Rs 5,000 crore for the Upper Bhadra project and completing the project in the next four years; It also promised to complete the ‘Yetinahole’ project in four years.

Review of National Pension Scheme, re-introduction of free cycles for school children, electric scooters for girls pursuing higher education, housing scheme for 30 lakh homeless, promotion of green energy are other highlights of the manifesto.

Kumaraswamy has said that the party will release a separate manifesto for Bengaluru in the coming days.

To come to power on its own, JD(S) has set a target of winning 123 seats out of total 224 assembly seats.

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(This story has not been edited by News18 staff and is published from a syndicated news agency feed)