Karnataka: Fruit trees in Halligeri now a sanctuary for many birds Hubli News – Times of India

Dharwad: birdsNatives of this region and people coming from India and abroad, coming Nature First Eco Village In Halligeri, DharwadBursting with 73 species of fruit trees, and this abundance of natural flavor is attracting plums of all colors and shades.
bird Visitors have so far identified 38 species of birds, many of which only come to the park for a brief migration depending on the season.

PV Hiremath, who developed the village, told TOI that he started working on the nutrition of the fruit forest after discussions with experts. “They offered input on how to ensure food for the birds throughout the year. Due to deforestation, many fruit trees have disappeared from the area, and the birds are forced to look elsewhere to build their nests. Taking cognizance of the situation, we planted 73 saplings. Plants of fruit trees like mango, guava, Indian blackberry, Bengal currant, water apple, on a half-acre plot four years ago. Now, this mini-forest is complete. is blooming profusely and attracting a large number of birds,” Hiremath said.


Highlighting the role of birds in dispersing seeds, which, in turn, fueled the growth of trees, Hiremath said, “Birds have already started this process in the mini-forests at Haligeri, as is now adjacent. Viewed by trees growing on the plots, and on nearby lakes.


I am studying the condition of the park, where I have counted 32 species of birds so far, said Vishal Irakal, a Bengaluru-based technical expert, wildlife enthusiast and photographer. Birds nesting in the park include parrots, yellow sparrows, tail sparrows, hornbills.