Karnataka High Court prescribes metronin in Bangalore fall death case

Following the incident, three officials of the Bered CL (Bengal Metro) have also been suspended.


karnataka high court bangalore metro accident (Bengaluru metro pillar collapses) Has taken the name, in which a woman and her two-year-old son were killed. In fact, a metro pole in Bangalore fell on a family of four on Tuesday. Due to this a woman and her one year old son were killed. While her husband and another child were injured. The incident took place at around 10.30 am on the Outer Ring Road near HBR Layout in Bangalore. The steel rods were felled on sanding to erect the massive concrete pillars of “Namma Metro” (Bengal Metro). The length of the pillar was more than 40 feet and the weight was several tons.

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A case has been registered against Nagarjuna Manufacturing Company (NCC), five of its officials and two officials of Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BB Red CL) in this matter. The NCC has been described as the first arbiter (A1), and then its officers have also been described as confusion. The location of this construction work of Metro is with NCC.

Following the incident, three officials of the Bered CL (Bengal Metro) have also been suspended. At the same time the officials of Secunderabad surveyed and saw the charter to be used for the construction.

Terming the incident as ‘unfortunate’, B Ratio CL, Managing Director, Anjum Parvez said that they would also start an additional matter. “As per our engineer’s standard report, all safety measures were taken as per protocol, but still the incident happened. So we have to work out the facts. Whether there was a human or technical problem, we will find out.”

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Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (B RadioCL) has announced a financial assistance of Rs 20 lakh for the family. Bhopal Basavaj Bommai from Dharwad investigated the incident and destroyed the Kshatriya diya to the saint’s family.