Karnataka: Karnataka will allow schools to reopen, but not colleges. India News – Times of India

Bengaluru: Karnataka The government on Thursday decided to reopen schools for classes 9 and 10 for on-campus classes from Monday, but decided to keep PU and degree colleges closed till further notice.
CM Basavaraj for the second time in three days bommai Appealed for peace and calm, urged politicians on both sides of the fence to refrain from making provocative statements.
After this the government had ordered the closure of the school-college. Hijab The dispute turned violent on Tuesday. The decision to reopen the schools was taken at a meeting chaired by Bommai and was based on an interim order of the Karnataka HC, directing students to wait till the court gives its final verdict. Hijab or saffron shawl will not be worn on campus.
“The situation has returned to normal in the last two days,” Bommai said. “The confusion among students about hijab is also reducing. But students are still being provoked by outsiders. I appeal to all of them to stop this behaviour.”
