Karnataka: Youth found dead on railway track due to inter-religious connection. Hubli News – Times of India

Belagavi: A 25-year-old man was allegedly murdered for having an affair with a woman of another religion. His body cut into pieces was found on the railway track in Khanpur Belagavi on 28 September.
The Belagavi Railway Police has registered a murder FIR against the woman’s father (unnamed) and two others.King‘ and ‘Birje’. The matter is being handed over to the district police. victim’s family, Arbaaz Mulla, accused of involvement of a right-wing organization in the murder.
Sources said Arbaaz’s body parts were scattered on the track as a train passed by. He was identified from a cell phone found on the body. Postmortem has been done and sources said that it suggests external injuries on the body, indicating murder.
Arbaaz, a resident of Khanpur and working as a car dealer, met the woman there. Both the families lived in the same locality. Recently, he moved azam nagar in city. Sources said that the two were seeing each other for two years.
Arbaaz’s brother Sameer said that after coming to know about the relationship, a right-wing organization joined it about a month and a half ago.
Ambulance belonging to the organization seized
On September 26, Sameer alleged that a senior member of the organization called Arbaaz and his mother and demanded money. The FIR states that the woman’s father was present in this meeting. “He immediately transferred some cash and assured them that he would give more money to settle the issue forever. On the evening of September 28, he left the city with cash and disappeared, only to be found dead on the tracks,” Sameer said. Sources said that an ambulance belonging to the organization has been seized during the investigation.
Railway SP Siri Gauri refused to go into the details of the case, saying it was being handed over to the district police. Sources said investigation is on and several people are being questioned.


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