‘Kashi Ke Kotwal’ Kaal Bhava Baba to constantly check the bar, blows like a bardy for darshan

‘Kashi Ke Kotwal’, who constantly monitors the bar, Kaal Bhairav ​​Baba

Baba Kal Bhairav ​​Baba (Baba Kaal Bhairav), who repeatedly walked the Kotwal of Kashi (Kashi Ka Kotwal), wore police uniform. On Bhairav ​​Baba a police force is applied on the bandage, a billy on the breast, a force stick in a bat and a kind of force in the right. Bhairav’s new ‘Rupama’ for the devotee’s darshan

The same will happen from an environmental point of view. She said she would also have “attention”.


The Mahant of Kaal Kaal Bhairav ​​Mandir, Anil Bebe, has repeatedly deployed the police. Cleanliness is also important. Don’t face any kind of problem.”

In exchange for the addition, to replace the addition, they can replace all of the excess. A devotee said, “Baba Kaal Bhairav ​​is the Kotwal of Kashi and even today in uniform, so he will be strictly different from the wrongdoer.”
