Keep these 5 things before shopping outside the house, avoid sunburn, heat stroke and hydration

To reduce weight in the summer season, definitely keep it in the hand bag.

Hand bag essentials: In the summer season, a lot of caution is taken regarding health. Because during this hot air, heat stroke and strong sun rays engulf the body, due to which billions have to face dehydration, sun burn, sun tanning, heat. In such a situation, you must keep 5 things in your hand bag while going out of the house so that you can keep yourself safe from getting into the root of these things.

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water bottle

The most important thing is water in the summer season. Keep it in your bag whenever you take it out. Because sweating is very important in this season. Otherwise, you may fall prey to dehydration.

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reduce weight

Apart from this, you must keep it in your hand bag to reduce your weight. Because in this season the skin becomes very sticky due to dusty soil, in such a situation you can clean the skin with stains. This will make you feel fresh.

Rose water

You can also carry rose water in your bag. With this you can hydrate your skin. By doing this, your skin will remain glowing. That’s why don’t take this important thing at all.

sun glasses

At the same time, sun gloss is also included in the essential things. This will keep your eyes safe from the sun. Dust will also be saved from soil. This will also save you from eye infection.

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sunscreen cream

To get rid of sun injury, you must use sun block lotion. This will prevent your skin from getting dry and damaged. Also don’t forget the perfume. With this you can prevent bad breath.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or any specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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