Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan blames elements destroying pluralism

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Sunday accused some sections of trying to destroy the concept of pluralism and to impose anti-science sentiments in the society.

Inaugurating the golden jubilee celebrations of the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), the Chief Minister said such groups insult the intellect of talented young scientists and general public that religious texts and science content are the same. ,

Those who are duty bound by the constitution to promote scientific temper in the society are blindly supporting the claims being made in the name of religion. Democracy is threatened by such attitude, Mr Vijayan said.

Pluralism is based on social reform and progress made by it. In the past, science and religion flourished in their separate fields. Didn’t even try to subdue each other. However, today the situation is quite different. Excessive religiosity is encroaching upon the field of science and its vision. Shri Vijayan said that there is a need to promote scientific temper by removing such obstacles.

The Chief Minister also urged the scientists to expose the vested interests opposing the development projects as unscientific. Only then can the state move with the times, Mr. Vijayan said. He said that the State Government is bound to harness the progress in science and technology for the common good.