Kerala opposition creates ruckus in assembly over Brahmapuram fire

Kerala Legislative Assembly

The Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) opposition launched a passionate attack against the Left Democratic Front (LDF) government for “saving politically influential contractors who mercilessly threatened the health of eight lakh residents by setting fire to Kochi”. put in.” Plastic Garbage Hill in Brahmapuram To cover up their abject failure to scientifically deal with the toxic legacy.”

Read this also |Flaying assurances of CM, Ministers, Kochi Corporation under fire for sending plastic waste to Brahmapuram

opposition motion

Chaos erupted when Congress MLA TJ Vinod moved a Rule 50 motion to allow the House for adjournment debate to discuss the “huge and undeniable” public health “huge environmental crime of rare parallels in history” Kochi’s environment almost permanently”.

Mr Vinod said the government’s efforts to douse the toxic fire and mitigate its worrying impact on public health were inadequate and negligent.

He said that air pollution poses a threat to senior citizens, children and pregnant women. Doctors have advised many people to leave Kochi. “Tourism and commerce in Kochi were on an irreversible decline,” he said.

Read this also |Brahmapuram fire: KPCC chief asks Govt. to compensate the victims

air pollution and health effects

Opposition leader VD Satheesan said dioxin released from smoldering plastic waste was an integral component of the infamous “Agent Orange”, an herbicide and defoliant used by the US military to poison rebel fighters during the tragic Vietnam War. Was.

“Dioxin causes cancer, male sterility and respiratory diseases. Vietnam is still suffering from its long-term consequences. Negligence of the government has pushed the current residents of Kochi and future generations to a similar plight. Kochi residents orphaned, abandoned and feel neglected by the state”, he said.

Mr Satheesan said LSGI minister MB Rajesh appears to be the spokesperson for an “amateur firm” that sabotages the waste management contract through corruption and political influence.

The contractor faced a criminal investigation in Karnataka for defrauding the German company.

“The fire engulfed the garbage dump from all four sides, pointing towards arson,” he said.

Mr Satheesan challenges the government to order the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into the “man-made fire” in Kochi.

The government invoked the Disaster Management Act to take over the plant in 2020 after the company was found professionally wanting. “Now political compulsion has forced the administration to defend the defaulting contractor”, he said.

government response

Health Minister Veena George claimed that the government’s intervention has resulted in a drastic reduction in particulate pollution in Kochi. “Out of 8 lakh residents, only 899 people have sought inpatient emergency care admitted to hospitals”, he said. Ms. George criticized the opposition and the media for wrongly portraying Kochi as a cursed city.

LSGI minister MB Rajesh said the waste management firm was not a fly-by-night operator. It was highly demanded by other cities for managing urban waste.

Mr. Rajesh claimed that New York Fire Department Deputy Chief George Healy had praised the state’s efforts to put out the fire. He accused the previous UDF administration of allowing garbage to accumulate at Brahmapuram.

Speaker AN Shamsheer rejected the opposition’s motion, leading to a walkout by the UDF. He warned the UDF against blocking the Speaker’s field of vision by erecting banners, hurried through the remaining procedures and adjourned the House for the day.