Khan Nation’s Perfection

Ours is the only country in the world to have three major film stars with the Khan surname, who can proudly claim to be another celebrity with the same name.

Ours is the only country in the world to have three major film stars with the Khan surname, who can proudly claim to be another celebrity with the same name.

The arrival of Tamil Nadu cricketer Shah Rukh Khan, whose ₹9 crore IPL deal garnered him mainstream attention, is another proud moment in India’s rise as a nation of unparalleled global status and importance.

This makes us the only nation in the world to have three major film stars with the Khan surname, who can proudly claim to be another celebrity with the same name. a world record.

Until the arrival of Shahrukh Khan (cricketer, not actor), Shahrukh Khan (actor, not cricketer) undoubtedly at least Salman Khan (actor, not … ) another Salman Khan (boys of Khan Academy) and Aamir Khan (actor) To put the equivalent of Amir Khan (boxing champion). Being the only superstar named Khan couldn’t possibly be easier, without mapping 1:1 to another celebrity from a completely different realm of life. It must have been keeping him up at night. He might be scouring social media to find at least one other Shah Rukh Khan with some potential for global fame. Thankfully his heart will find peace now.

Certainly, the milestone that India has achieved will arouse the envy of other so-called world powers such as the United States of America and China, who have always been intrigued by our glorious ancient past and our recent rise as a modern economic and cultural power. are angry. It is possible that, as you read this, foreign forces are still conspiring to trace and trace some pastry chef named Tom Cruise or a cryptocurrency baron named Jackie Chan to malign and defame India.

There are already negative minded people pointing out discrepancies in respective mine names to destroy the luster of India’s record. “You will see that cricketer Shah Rukh goes by the same name, unlike the actor who has casually put a space between Shah Rukh and Rukh. So it doesn’t really matter” they might argue. “Aamir Khan has an extra A in his name, which his boxing dude is clearly lacking.” They might complain. But, to quote Inigo Montoya ( And when you get a chance you should always quote Inigo Montoya), I reply “don’t bother me with the little things”. Only a cynic or anti-national would allow such annoying technicalities to distract from the collective joy that always stems from national conquest.

But the figures are not lies, as clearly demonstrated by official data on unemployment, GDP and COVID-19 cases in Uttar Pradesh, and they offer irrefutable proof that no other country is even close to ours. Comes. Some desperate people will point to a UK radio host named Chris Evans, or to the fact that Katy Perry and Michael Keaton were originally named Katy Hudson and Michael Douglas, respectively, or to Michael B. How Jordan can be Michael Jordan – but he is completely missing the point. Anyone with a keen sense of mathematics, such as Salman Khan (a Khan Academy man, not an actor), Nirmala Sitharaman, or Byju Raveendran can point to the key feature in India’s Khan collection – all six celebrities on the set share the same surname. share. Like Don Bradman’s batting average, or the number of hero roles played by Prem Nazir, this is a record that is probably never going to be broken.

If T. Rajender sums up the whole thing, he can say, “All other countries are incomplete, but India is the only country that is mine-complete.”

Anand Ramachandran is a Chennai-based writer and game designer who loves to play games with his writings.