Khandeshi Chicken, Kolhapuri Chicken and more: 5 Maharashtrian Chicken Recipes for the Fair

When you think of Maharashtrian cuisine, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Is it the world famous Vada Pav, Pav Bhaji or maybe even Kothambir Vadi? Well, these are just a few items to name a few among the variety of delicious flavors Maharashtra has to offer! Maharashtrian cuisine is an interesting mix of indigenous spices, using some of the most basic ingredients and focusing on regional cooking traditions. It is interesting to see how different sections of the state prepare their own unique variations of a specific dish. However, if you want to get a different taste in this dish, today we bring you some delicious Maharashtrian-style chicken recipes to add to your menu! Find out the recipes below:

(Also read: Pav Bhaji to Vada Pav – Here Are 5 Popular Maharashtrian Pav-Based Dishes (Recipe Inside)

5 Maharashtrian Chicken Recipes to Try

1. Malwani Chicken

Malvani cuisine is a fusion Goan recipe with a distinctive cooking style. It is distinguished by its heavy use of coconut in its various forms (grated, dried, or milked) and chilies, spices, and herbs.

2. Kolhapuri Chicken

Kolhapuri Chicken Curry is famous for its spicy and aromatic flavor combination. In fact, it is one of the spiciest chicken curries in Indian cuisine. So, if you enjoy spicy food, we’ve got you covered in this simple and quick recipe that you can make in just 30 minutes.


3. Khandeshi Chicken

Khandesh provided the recipe for this dish. The cuisine of this region is famous for its scorching heat, which can make you cry. And if you enjoy spicy food, then this Khandeshi Chicken is a must try.

(Also read: Dhapate: High-Protein High-Fiber Blended Grain Maharashtrian Flatbread (Recipe Video Inside)

Chicken Curry

In this dish, boneless chicken pieces are dipped in a batter of gram flour or gram along with various spices before being deep fried to perfection. Then, mix it up with mint chutney and onion rings for a wonderfully crunchy and spicy dish.

Kerala Chicken Fry

5. Chicken Candied

This delicious chicken curry is a mixture of sweet and spicy flavours. It really has a different taste. You can easily make this recipe at home in no time. Try it today!

Try these delicious recipes and let us know which one you like best!
