Kiev: Anti-vaccination protests block traffic in Ukrainian capital – Times of India

KYV: Several hundred people blocked traffic in the center of Ukrainian Capital Kiev On Wednesday in protest against coronavirus restrictions and mandatory vaccinations, which the government introduced to prevent new infections.
Ukraine Record high rates of new cases and deaths from the coronavirus have been reported in recent weeks, and its total number of infections has reached nearly 3 million, with 69,447 deaths.
Vaccines have become mandatory for some state employees, and in “red” zone areas, including Kiev, only people vaccinated or those with negative covid Test results are allowed in restaurants, gyms and on public transport.
The protesters, many of them young people, were holding posters with messages such as “Say no to Covid passports”, “Protect our children” and “Say no to Covid genocide”.
Ukraine lagged behind other European countries in receiving coronavirus vaccines this year and is now struggling to persuade a skeptical public to take them.
Ukraine’s health minister said, “Today we are seeing such rallies of people with calls not to vaccinate, in my opinion, ridiculing our doctors and families who, unfortunately, because of the coronavirus I have lost my relatives.” viktor lyashko told a televised news conference.
“Trust me, this anti-vaccination sentiment quickly disappears in intensive care units, and fake certificates don’t work,” he said.
Parliament On Tuesday it criminalized the use and manufacture of fake Covid-19 vaccine certificates, with up to three years in prison or a fine of about $6,460 for offenders.


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