Kitchen Tips: 4 Quick And Easy Ways To Clean Your Belan (Rolling Pin)

The belan (rolling pin) is one of the most valuable tools in the kitchen, helping us create perfectly round rotis and parathas every time. For those who use it daily, you know that while it makes our lives easier, there’s one drawback: cleaning it. Since a belan is used to roll dough, it tends to accumulate stubborn residue, making cleaning a challenging task. Even after multiple attempts, leftovers often persist, making the process of making rotis messy. If not cleaned properly, it can accumulate leftover food, which is unhygienic. We have compiled some valuable tips for easy belan cleaning to simplify things.
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How To Clean Belan Easily | Easy Tips To Clean Belan

1. Wash With Warm Water

The simplest way to clean your belan is with warm water. Before doing so, scrape off all the leftover food, then soak it in a large container filled with warm water. You can also add some dishwashing liquid. After 20 to 30 minutes, remove it and rinse it thoroughly with water. Pat it dry with a cloth, and then allow it to air dry naturally.

2. Make Vinegar Solution

Vinegar is an excellent cleaning agent. Create your own vinegar solution by mixing one part vinegar with two parts water. Using warm water with this method is best, as it helps food come off the belan more easily. Soak the belan in this solution for some time, and it will become as clean as new.

3. Use Baking Soda And Water

Baking soda is known for its ability to remove stubborn stains and unpleasant odours. It also works effectively to remove leftover food from your belan. First, scrape off all dry food remnants. Then, fill a large container with water and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Allow it to sit for some time, then scrub it using a soft sponge and let it dry.
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4. Lemon Juice And Water

Don’t have vinegar or baking soda in your pantry? No worries; use lemons. Lemon juice, often available in our kitchens, can be used to clean your belan. Squeeze out the juice and mix it with warm water. Remove any remaining residue, then soak the belan in the prepared solution. The antibacterial properties of lemons make the cleaning process easy.

With these tips and tricks, your belan will look as good as new. Please share your experiences with us in the comments section below.