Know your Navy at the Indian Naval Maritime Museum in Kochi

Indian Navy Maritime Museum at Fort Kochi

“Sam no Varunah” (O Varuna be auspicious to us). This is the motto of the Indian Navy. It replaced the colonial era “heaven’s light our guide”. But whose idea was this new motto? What role did the Indian Navy play in the 1971 war? Where are naval personnel trained?

Answers to these questions and more can be found at the Indian Navy Maritime Museum at Fort Kochi. Established in 2001 by Rear Admiral Kirpal Singh, the museum is housed in two quaint pillbox-style bunkers built by the British in 1938.

“They braved the strike and built these bunkers just in time for World War II to come,” says Gerard G. Joseph, the museum’s senior curator.

The museum, which is part of INS Dronacharya (India’s only gunnery school), was expanded to include a new open-air pavilion showcasing the history of the Indian Navy. Called Blue Waters Ahoy, The Wing is a fascinating walk through a well-described history with rare photographs and chronological exhibits.

in the bunker

Surface-to-surface missiles at the Indian Naval Maritime Museum

Surface-to-surface missiles at the Indian Naval Maritime Museum

The first bunker throws light on the maritime history of Kerala, beginning with the fierce naval battle between four generations of Kunjali Marakkad (Admiral of the Fleet of the Calicut Zamorin) and the Portuguese over eight decades. Gerard says, “This prevented the Portuguese from making Kerala their base. Paintings and Graffiti Formation of the Indian Navy, how C. Rajagopalachari (the last Governor-General of India) chose the new motto from the Upanishads, the emblem’s change to the Ashokan lion motif and more.

The second bunker displays various uniforms, epaulettes and ranks of the Indian Navy, rifles from World War II and personal memorabilia of brave officers such as the peak cap, ceremonial sword and 9mm pistol of India’s 11th Navy Admiral OS Dawson. The flagship and sword, medallion and .38 revolver of Vice-Admiral EC Kuruvilla, Fleet Commander, Western Command during the 1971 war. Another attraction is a miniature model of the dhow used by the Maratha Navy.

model ships

The video room depicts the war of 1971 in which the port of Karachi was destroyed and celebrates the biggest naval training academy at Ezhimala, on screen. The lawn has models of INS Delhi, INS Godavari and INS Talwar, an old model of Bofors cannon, AK-230 (Soviet fully automatic naval twin 30 mm gun), Sea King helicopter, a diving bell, an anchor. even more.

Westland Sea King helicopter at the Indian Naval Maritime Museum

Westland Sea King helicopter at the Indian Naval Maritime Museum

“The missiles on display were brought from the National Ammunition Depot at Kalamassery and the helicopters are from INS Garuda, the aviation arm of the Indian Navy,” says Gerard. Navy.

, The Indian Naval Maritime Museum, on Beach Road, Fort Kochi, is open from 9.30 AM to 5.50 PM on weekdays and 9.30 AM to 8.00 PM on weekends. Ticket price Rs. 50 for adults and Rs. 25 for children under 12 years of age. A café on the premises serves beverages and snacks.,