Knowledge should be freely available, says Howard Hughes Medical Institute vice president in TNQ lecture

Biochemist and cell biologist Ron Valle talks Sunday. , Photo Credit: Emmanuel Yogini

“We must make knowledge freely available,” said Ron Valle, vice president, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Maryland, USA, and special speaker at the TNQ Distinguished Lecture Life Sciences-2023, here on Monday.

Addressing hundreds of young researchers at the Homi Bhabha Auditorium, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Dr. Wale described his journey as a scientist in his quest to unlock the secrets of molecular motors. These are units within the cell that are essential for the transport of materials needed for the smooth functioning of the cells. Molecular motor proteins drive the contraction of muscles, the beating of cilia and flagella – structures that move the cell forward or move substances along the cell surface.

Dr. Valle, 63, discovered the motor protein kinesin, one of three major classes of molecular motors (the other two are dynein and myosin), and his lab has spent years elucidating how these motors convert chemical energy into motion. Let’s convert.

As co-founder of the biotechnology firm, Cytokinetics Inc., he has helped develop candidate drugs that use molecular motors to repair the heartbeat, for example, where the system goes awry.

In his hour-long lecture, Dr. Wale said that scientific discoveries are replete with missteps and failures towards understanding the mysteries of nature’s working and it is important that potential scientists should be aware of these, as well as Along with the victory and happiness of nature. find something new

He said that he was interested in science as well as in his scientific approach. Concerned scientists and researchers had limited access to prominent scientists and engaging lectures, Dr. Valle described his experiences with ibiology and, online repositories of science videos, and talks by scientists on the nature of scientific exploration.

Dr. Wale is scheduled to deliver lectures in Kolkata and Bengaluru this week as part of the TNQ lecture series.