Kovid Effect: Books will be procured in virtual mode for Delhi government school libraries

The process of procurement of books of general reading through Mega Book Fair-V (2021-22) will be done in virtual mode.

The process of procurement of books of general reading through Mega Book Fair-V (2021-22) will be done in virtual mode.

It said that in the present situation it is “not possible” to conduct physical book fair every year by the department.

  • PTI New Delhi
  • Last Update:September 18, 2021, 17:04 IST
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According to the Directorate of Education (DoE), the purchase of books for general reading in the libraries of government schools in Delhi will be done through virtual mode this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It said that the physical book fair conducted every year by the department is “not possible” in the present situation.

“Due to the uncertain nature of the COVID pandemic, a physical face to face mega book fair does not seem feasible at the present time for procurement of books under the title ‘Improving School Libraries’ for the year 2021-22 . “Consequently, the procurement of general reading books for all government schools under DoE will be done through virtual mode,” the official order said.

The DoE said it has also decided to expand the panel of publishers whose books and titles were selected or recommended by the Library Technical Committee in 2019-20 as a one-time exemption for the year 2021-22. “This year, due to the uncertain nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the process of procurement of normal reading books through Mega Book Fair-V (2021-22) will be in virtual mode,” it added.

The publishing house will have to deliver the ordered books and titles at the doorstep of the schools within 45 days starting from the last day of display at the fair. The Directorate clarified that if the publishing house does not supply the books at the doorstep of the schools under DoE, after receiving the orders of books and titles through the online module, the selected publisher will be denied permission to enter the process of purchase. will be done. books for the next year

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