Kuwait: Prince of Kuwait, 81, resting after ‘minor trouble’ – Times of India

Dubai: Kuwait On Tuesday its 81-year-old crown prince was resting after experiencing what he described as “minor discomfort”.
State-run KUNA news agency’s two-sentence story doesn’t detail what’s ailing Sheikh Meshali Al Ahmed Al Jaber
The report said that the Diwan or royal court of Kuwait extended best wishes to Sheikh Meshal.
Sheikh Meshal becomes Crown Prince in 2020 After the death of the ruler Amir Sheikh Saba Al Ahmad Al Sabah, a unified figure in Kuwait who deftly navigated the region’s political and sectarian divisions.
Sheikh Saba’s half-brother, 84-year-old Sheikh nawaf Al Ahmad al Sabah assumed the throne after the death of the ruler.
Sheikh Meshal spent his career in the Ministry of the Interior and is respected for his security skills.
little kuwait is a OPEC member and has the sixth largest known oil reserves in the world.