Kuwait’s emir begins process of pardoning dissidents – Times of India

Kuwait: KuwaitThe U.S. ruling emir on Wednesday paved the way for a pardon of dissidents, a key condition of opposition lawmakers seeking to end a months-long standoff with the appointed government, which has stalled planned fiscal reforms.
Rich sheikh nawafi Al-Ahmad al-Sabah entrusted the Speaker of the Parliament, the Prime Minister and the head of supreme judicial council Sheikh Nawaf’s office to recommend the terms and conditions of the pardon before it is issued by decree.
The statement from the emir’s office said the apology would include “some Kuwaitis who have been convicted in previous cases”, but gave no further details. It said some 40 MPs had demanded an apology.
The standoff between the government and the elected parliament had paralyzed legislative work, hampering efforts to boost state finances and enacting measures including a debt law that made it possible to tap global markets, a government priority.
Although Kuwait does not allow political parties, it has given its elected legislature more influence than similar bodies in other Gulf monarchies, including passing and blocking laws, questioning ministers, and vote of no confidence against senior government officials. Contains the power of submission.
It tells the citizens more about how the country is run than the neighboring autocracy, although the Emir has the final say in the affairs of the state. But decades of stalemate between the cabinet and the assembly have led to government reshuffles and the dissolution of parliament, sometimes hindering investment and reform.
The statement said the emir had decided to exercise his constitutional right to issue amnesty, following talks between the government and parliament, to increase “political stability” and cooperation between the executive and legislative branches.
Dissidents in self-imposed exile include former MPs who participated in the 2011 storming of parliament over alleged government corruption and mismanagement, and other Kuwaitis who openly criticized the emir – a jailable crime – or other Gulf rulers.


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