Lakshmi Remedy: These things are believed to be the abode of Goddess Lakshmi;

Lakshmi Upay In Hindi: It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi resides in these things.

Lakshmi Remedy: Lakshmi Maa is called the goddess of wealth. Generally, the economic condition of the house where Mahalakshmi appears, worsens and the house is filled with happiness and prosperity. Along with this, many other forms of Lakshmi Maa are also considered. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi resides in many things of the house. These are the daily chores which if kept properly then Mahalakshmi (Mahalakshmi) is happy and if these things are disrespected then Lakshmi Maa can also get angry. Know here which are these things in which Goddess Lakshmi is believed to reside.

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Goddess Lakshmi is believed to reside in these things.

Tulsi plant

Tulsi plant is called Mata Tulsi in Hinduism. But, Tulsi (Tulsi) is believed to be the abode of Lord Vishnu as well as Mother Lakshmi. It is said that if you take care of Tulsi, Goddess Lakshmi is also happy. Apart from this, burning basil especially in the morning and evening is also auspicious.


Coconut is also called Shreefal (Shrifal). Sri means Lakshmi. Because of this it is called the fruit of Lakshmi. Coconut is also called the favorite fruit of Goddess Lakshmi. At the same time, it is considered auspicious to keep coconut in worship and religious works. Coconut can also be kept at home while performing weekly puja.


It is believed that mother Lakshmi resides in the cow. Because of this, cow dung or sub-slogans made of this dung are also used in the works of worship. There itself, dust free It is auspicious to worship Maa Lakshmi at dusk (at dusk) and dusk itself means the dust rising from the feet of the cow. Dusk is the time in the evening when the cow returns home.

Lotus flower

Mother Lakshmi sits on the lotus flower. This flower is also considered to be the favorite flower of Goddess Lakshmi. Because of this, holding a lotus flower on the portal of the house is seen to be associated with the arrival of Maa Lakshmi. According to belief, those who have lotus flowers in their house or near the door, Maa Lakshmi comes to that house.


On the basis of myth and religious speculation, Mother Lakshmi was incarnated from the conch. For this reason, the abode of Goddess Lakshmi is believed to be in the conch shell. At the same time, Lord Vishnu (Lord Vishnu) also loves the conch due to which its recognition and growth increases. In such a situation, it is also auspicious to keep a conch shell in the house.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is for general betting and information. NDTV does not confirm the same.)

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