‘Language Has Nothing To Do With Religion’: Former CJI Bobde Asks Why Sanskrit Can’t Be India’s Official Language

Image Source : PTI/FILE Former Chief Justice of India Sharad Bobde

CJI supported Sanskrit: Former Chief Justice of India Sharad Bobde on Friday pitched for Sanskrit as the country’s official language, including use in courts, and said that even the architect of the Constitution and eminent jurist BR Ambedkar used it since 1949, according to media reports. was proposed.

He said that Hindi and English are used as official languages ​​in governance and courts as per law, while each Chief Justice receives a request to introduce the respective regional languages, which are now used in the district-level judiciary and some There is a reality in the High Courts.

Bobde was speaking at the All India Students’ Conference organized by Sanskrit Bharati. He said that at the High Court level, the official language is English, though many High Courts have had to allow applications, petitions and even documents in regional languages.

Former CJI Bobde cited newspaper reports in support of his claims

“I don’t think this issue (of official language) should remain unresolved. It has remained unresolved since 1949. There are grave dangers of miscommunication in administration and administration of justice, though this is not the place to discuss it,” he said.

“The newspapers of 11 September 1949 reported that Dr. Ambedkar took the step for Sanskrit as the official language of the Union of India. Sanskrit terminology is common to many of our languages. I ask myself the question why Sanskrit cannot be done. As the official language was proposed by Dr. Ambedkar,” he said.

“Language is not related to any religion”

The former CJI said that introducing Sanskrit would not mean introducing any religion, as 95 per cent of the language has nothing to do with any religion, but philosophy, law, science, literature, phonetics, architecture, astronomy etc. related to issues related to The (Sanskrit) language does not belong to South or North India, and is perfectly capable of secular use. It has been found most suitable for computers by a NASA scientist who wrote a paper titled ‘Knowledge Representation and Artificial Intelligence in Sanskrit’. They also said that it can be used to communicate messages in the least possible words,” the former CJI said.

Citing a survey, Bobde said some 43.63 per cent citizens speak Hindi, while only 6 per cent speak English, which drops to 3 per cent in rural areas.

He further said that 41 per cent of the rich speak English, while it is just 2 per cent among the poor, adding that Sanskrit is probably the only language that can co-exist with our regional languages, of which 22 have been recognized as part of the Constitution. Recognized by VIII. the schedule.

“I am saying this after consulting language experts, who agree that Indians use many Sanskrit words while communicating with each other in regional languages. Words of Sanskrit origin in each regional language, including Urdu Some, such as Assamese, Hindi, Telugu and Bengali and Kannada have up to 60-70 per cent Sanskrit words.”

However, Bobde acknowledged that the transition (to Sanskrit) may not happen overnight but over many years. He insisted, “The language should be taught as a language without any religious connotation. Like English is taught in professional courses. A glossary (will need to be made) will be made and the language will be added to the Official Languages ​​Act.” “

(With inputs from PTI)

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