Lemons Price Hike: 5 Summer Drinks That Don’t Need Lemons at All

Summer season has started all over the country. As temperatures rise, we try to beat the heat by drinking plenty of fluids and replenishing our energy levels. The need to stay hydrated during the hot summer months cannot be stressed enough. Shikanji or Nimbu Pani is a drink that is very popular in Indian homes for its hydrating properties. Recently we read how lemon prices are increasing in Rajkot, Gujarat. A customer told news agency ANI that lemons are being sold for Rs. 200 per kg, as compared to the normal rates of Rs. 50 to 60 per kg. This is happening because of the increasing demand for lemons and shortfall in supply.

Lemon is a popular choice in summers for its health benefits, such as hydrating the body and also helping to promote digestion. it also has one tangy and sour taste which makes for a refreshing and rejuvenating drink. However, there are many other summer drinks that don’t require lemon at all. If you’re struck by the rise in lemon prices and are looking for some alternatives, try these summer coolers without the citrus fruit.

Here are 5 summer drinks that don’t need lemon at all:

1. aam panna

With the goodness of raw mango, aam panna is a quintessential summer drink. The pungent taste comes from the raw mango itself and thus no other souring agent is required.

2. vine syrup

How can summers be complete without Bael (wood apple) syrup? This summer cooler has been recommended since time immemorial and can be easily made at home too.

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Try this Cooling Bell Sorbet for a unique experience.

3. Watermelon syrup

One of the most refreshing seasonal fruits, watermelon is an incredible way to stay hydrated during the summer months. twist it the con There is an amazing recipe that doesn’t require lemons at all.

4. tamarind syrup

If you are missing the sourness of lemon, what about replacing it with tamarind? This Tamarind Coriander Sharbat is one of the ideal drinks to refresh your senses and tingle your taste buds.

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Who says lemons can only be used in summer drinks? Try this tamarind syrup.

5. Cucumber and Kiwi Juice

Keep your energy levels up and your body hydrated with this cucumber and kiwi juice. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed.

Until the price jump in lemons subsides, try these delicious summer coolers and forget all you ever need is lemons!

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded people (especially those who love Veg Momos). Plus points if you find his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.