Let’s Talk Sex | Sleep Divorce Redefined: Turning Bedroom Separation into Relationship Strength

Although it may seem counterintuitive, sleeping in separate bedrooms can actually be beneficial to your relationship. (News18 Gujarati file)

Instead of viewing sleep divorce as a sign of a broken relationship, view it as an opportunity to bring your relationship closer. Redefine your bedroom through sleep divorce by creating a respectful, caring and understanding living environment

lets talk sex

Sex may be pervasive in our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian households. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow the unscientific advice of their friends.

To address the widespread misinformation about sex, News18.com is running a weekly sex column titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’. Through this column, we hope to start a conversation about sex and address sexual health issues with scientific insight and nuance.

In this article, we will discuss about sleep divorces and how this arrangement will benefit your relationship.

You and your partner have been sleeping together for years, but lately you’ve been feeling more and more crowded in the bedroom. It looks like there isn’t enough room for the two of you to rest comfortably.

What exactly is a sleep divorce?

In simple words, it is when two partners decide to sleep separately in the same house. This means that regardless of whether you share a house or an apartment, each partner has their own bed and bedroom. For some couples, this arrangement allows them more freedom and room to move freely without having to think about someone else’s needs at the same time—and it also leads to better night-time rest overall. helps to promote. In addition, couples report that after a few weeks of getting used to the new situation (even though it may seem like a drastic change) they often feel more rested and energized in the morning, which can help them stay active during their waking hours. Allows for better communication.

How sleeping apart can strengthen your relationship?

Although it may seem counterintuitive, sleeping in separate bedrooms can actually be beneficial to your relationship. Bedroom isolation forces couples to find different ways to connect and communicate, which can lead to better communication and stronger relationships.

Not only that, but sleeping apart can be really great for your individual needs. Everyone sleeps differently, some need complete darkness, some need an air conditioned room, others need the company of a pet and when you sleep on your own, you partner You can change things to meet your personal needs without compromising on the .

Plus, sleeping in separate beds gives each partner the freedom to move around as much as they want without worrying about disturbing the other person. This can help reduce stress and bring about the much-needed restful sleep for both parties.

Finally, sharing a bed doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get enough restful sleep, you may still be bothered by each other’s movements or body heat during the night. Sleeping on your own means you don’t have those issues inhibiting your shut-eye.

All these reasons make it clear that bedroom separation is not a sign of relationship distress, rather, an opportunity for growth and strength in your partnership that should not be overlooked!

being intimate while sleeping apart

Believe it or not, getting divorced from sleep doesn’t mean giving up on your intimacy—in fact, it may even help it flourish! While sleeping apart from your partner may feel awkward or uncomfortable at first, there are actually many things you can do to maintain or even deepen your connection.

  • Show physical affection during the day: Just because you’re in a separate bed at night doesn’t mean you can’t show physical affection during the day. Making an effort to hug, kiss and touch each other throughout the day will help you bond with each other and strengthen your emotional connection.
  • Have a date night: No matter how busy life gets, take some time just for the two of you. Whether it’s an occasional dinner outing or something as simple as watching a movie together in the living room, these moments of undivided attention matter a lot when it comes to keeping the romance alive.
  • Join in a variety of ways: Take advantage of technology and stay connected through text messages and phone calls throughout the day. Even if you don’t always talk about important matters, letting each other know you’re thinking about them can go a long way when it comes to relationship satisfaction. It’s not impossible to be intimate while sleeping apart—by making the effort and being flexible in your approach, it may be just what your relationship needs to stay strong and healthy.

Making It Work: Logistics and Trial Periods

When it comes to making sleep divorces work, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, figure out all the logistics of it. Who is going to sleep in which bed? Have this conversation now before going to sleep at night.

It’s also important to give it time so you can adjust and figure out what works best for both of you. A trial period is essential to success. Give it at least a week or two before deciding if this is something that’s going to work for you and your relationship and help strengthen it. Also, consider the timing when you decide on this arrangement because starting over during certain times can be difficult for both of you:

  • during an already stressful situation, such as when one of your children has behavioral problems or someone in the family is ill
  • during exams or periods where one or both of you are extra busy at work
  • Once either of you has already started snoring or is not sleeping well due to stress or anxiety
  • Remember that sleeping apart doesn’t mean being emotionally detached. It might be just the thing that makes your relationship stronger than ever! Everyone has different needs and preferences when it comes to sleep, and it is essential that they are meeting the individual needs of the other. A healthy sleep relationship that respects the needs and preferences of both partners is vital to any happy and lasting relationship.
    Instead of viewing sleep divorce as a sign of a broken relationship, view it as an opportunity to bring your relationship closer. Redefine your bedroom through sleep divorce by creating a respectful, caring and understanding living environment. This will give you the opportunity to meet the needs of both partners without sacrificing the integrity of the relationship. It may be just the thing that helps both you and your partner get restful sleep.

Professor (Dr) Saransh Jain is a winner of the Swasth Bharat Ratna Award and is a certified and licensed sexologist by the American Board of Sexology. He is currently Senior Consultant at Dr SK Jain’s Burlington Clinic in Lucknow. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not represent the stand of this publication.