Let’s Talk Sex | Why should couples not come closer during Navratri?

Sex may be pervasive in our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian homes. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow unscientific advice from their friends.

To dispel widespread misinformation about sex, News18.com is running this weekly sex column, titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’. We hope to start the conversation about sex and address sexual health issues with scientific insight and nuance through this column.

In this article, Dr. Jain explains why couples should avoid having sex during Navratri.

Navratri is a Sanskrit word which means nine nights. The festival of Navratri is considered the most sacred of the Hindu festivals and is celebrated twice a year. It is celebrated over a period of nine days, each day dedicated to a different form of Goddess Durga.

Since these nine days are considered holy, so many auspicious works like buying a new house, home entry etc. are done during this time. But if you are thinking of increasing closeness with your partner during this time, then you may have to reconsider this idea.


Spiritual reasoning
According to the sacred texts of Hinduism, the time of Navratri is considered to be centered on purity and goodness. During this, an immaculate aura will appear in the surroundings. Keeping a fast during Navratri leads to detoxification of your body and mind. It will also help in attaining spiritual well-being. People celebrating this festival should practice a life of celibacy. Therefore, having sex during Navratri is considered inauspicious.

· logical reasoning
Changing the diet to fasting for nine days will result in energy conservation by the body as a negligible amount of carbohydrates are being consumed, whereas sex is a demanding process that requires energy and calories during intercourse. is less. Those who keep fast during Navratri, their body energy gets reduced. Because of this, they are unprepared for sexual and physical behavior. This is the reason why people are asked to keep themselves restrained at this special time.

Weakness and mood swings
The feeling of a good sex lies in the energy of both the partners and this energy will be depleted during Navratri for obvious reasons.
Most of the women observe fast during Navratri and dedicate their whole mind to Goddess Durga and are advised not to have physical relations during this time. The special justification for this prohibition is that women become physically weak due to fasting for these nine days, as a result they may become irritable and may have sudden mood swings due to fasting and hunger. In addition, lack of sleep during fasting periods can also cause headaches.

Higher chance of infection
The season changes twice every year during Shardiya and Chaitra during Navratri. Winter starts with Shardiya Navratri and summer starts with Chaitra Navratri. The risk of infection is highest during this time of year. It is instructed to practice fasting during these nine days to prepare our body for the coming season and to increase our immunity.
When having sex, certain types of hormones are also released in the body and at this time the infection quickly captures them and can enter the body. Therefore, it is requested to refrain from indulging in sexual activities.

Stomach irritation
Fasting can also cause heartburn; Lack of food leads to a decrease in stomach acid, which digests food and destroys bacteria. But even smelling or thinking about food during fasting can prompt the brain to produce more acid in the stomach, which can lead to heartburn. This is the reason why the desire to have sex decreases during the fast.

controlling the senses
Fasting is a resolution. To control it is to observe and manage what comes naturally to us. The same principle is true for sex. Some claim that the goal is not to stop for nine days and feel defeated at the conclusion. Avoiding flirting and sexual relations can help you harness your sexual energy, just as you should avoid bad behavior and bad speech.

It does not matter
In the end, sex is a natural and instinctive desire that you feel. There is no need to mix it with religion. However, if your partner is not inclined to do lovemaking, then respect his/her wishes and religious beliefs. We hope we have given you the answer you were looking for. Have a healthy fast and have good sex (if you want to).

Prof (Dr) Saransh Jain is a winner of Swasth Bharat Ratna Award and certified and licensed Sexologist by American Board of Sexology. He is presently Senior Consultant at Dr SK Jain’s Burlington Clinic in Lucknow. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent the stand of this publication.

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