Letter to Editor – January 26, 2022

The article, “Disastrous Effects of School Closure” (OpEd page, January 25), will also highlight open-air classrooms – a simple, inexpensive and age-old method of learning. India has a conducive environment for this and it can be done. For the millions of school children who are not going to school, it is an easy and cheap way. Online learning has its limitations and not all students have the luxury of internet access. Reports suggest that students have started to lag behind due to lost class time especially in core subjects and it is likely that there will be a lost generation. Physical contact is also the best way to learn and communicate.


why bring one Native Approach When It Related To ‘Stay With Me’? For a large number of Indians, the hymn is associated with its melody and rhythm. A tune is a tune. And a tune that mesmerizes everyone should be noted as to why it fascinates us. Its colonial past has no place in it. The assumption is that it has more to do with the ruling party’s agenda to ease the past.


Close on the heels of controversy over the issue of the Republic Day tableau – which is yet to come to an end – comes another move by the central government: to drop a favorite hymn. Today’s government seems to be fond of discarding anything that doesn’t match its agenda. Any tune or musical score that is pleasant is acceptable. Music crosses all barriers. Those who have decided to leave the hymn should back down.


I am a septuagenarian and have been watching Beating Retreat ceremonies for years. It is an event of national pride and ‘Stay with me’ has been part and parcel of the retreat celebrations. It is shocking what prompted the government to essentially turn this good old song into a momentous occasion.

Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu

Apart from making unwanted changes, there are many other issues to focus on. The powers that be should also consider the idea of ​​unity and brotherhood.

Fatehabad, Haryana

It is not important to know how many Indian tunes will be played during the ceremony. Don’t need to know whether it contains Bollywood songs or any other number. It is also insignificant to know how many trumpeters, trumpets and drummers will be in the band playing the tune. The crux of the problem is that some tunes go on forever.


This move deserves praise. ,O people of my country‘ is a relevant song that evokes nationalism. There are many elements of the colonial era that will have to change.

Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

The explainer, “the need for shared parenting” (e-paper, ‘Text and Reference’ page, 24 January) has raised a very relevant issue that needs redressal. As a nation we have failed miserably as far as protection of child rights in marital disputes is concerned. When one parent gains custody of their child, the child is often forcibly deprived of the love of the other parent and extended family. Parents without custody – in many cases – have to run to court, often in vain, to gain access. Most family courts prolong the case, and if any sort of physical access is granted, the custodial parent often challenges the order in the High Court. Parental alienation syndrome hinders the mental health and overall development of the child concerned, which I highlight as a grandmother struggling with this issue.

New Delhi
