Letter to the editor – January 20, 2022

ASER Report

The observations made in the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) are alarming. Forget the third grader. Even a class 5 student being unable to read a class 2 level textbook is a serious issue and it will have a detrimental and cascading effect on his/her future. They are a blot on the education system. Schools must take immediate remedial action before it is too late. While the rapid increase in children enrolled in government schools is a positive outcome of the pandemic, the main reason is the exorbitant fee structure of private schools. Now that the enrollment in government schools has increased, it should be their endeavor to improve the quality of their teaching.

Kosarju Chandramouli,


peace sign of pakistan

It is clear that like his brother and former prime minister, Pakistan’s leader Shahbaz Sharif is aware of the need to improve relations with India and is looking forward to harnessing the enormously beneficial trade potential but resulting in hostile bilateral relations. are getting wasted. The Sharif brothers are successful businessmen and that matters.

Yet, since stirring the cauldron of Kashmir is a matter of sustenance for the Pakistani military and extremists as well, only time will tell whether they are on board. And if so, for how long?

Nalini Vijayaraghavan,


Pakistan should know that war brings with it destruction and devastation, besides the loss of young lives. Now the time has come for Pakistan to leave the path of confrontation and consider India as a good neighbor and friend. The money wasted in defense preparations and wars could very well be spent on enabling social welfare.

Ramesh Ji Jethwani,


Since partition, Pakistan has been fighting either a war or a proxy war with India over Kashmir. Unfortunately, some world powers have also aided and abetted Pakistan. One can hope that Mr. Sharif’s ‘perception’ is genuine and this may end hostilities between the two countries.

Govardhan Manedu,

Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh