Letter to the Editor – July 21, 2023

corrupt, troublesome

Violence and lawlessness in Manipur has reached a level where every living being with an active heart and sense cannot remain silent (p. 1, “Women face sexual violence in Manipur, video clip surfaced”, 20 July ). No normal person can tolerate the way a mob of savages treated three women in Manipur. It is shocking that even after more than two months have passed, the police have not got any clue. The central and state governments have failed in their responsibility to ensure the return of peace and harmony in the state. The horrific content of the clip shows the level of corruption in Manipur.

Afzuddin Qazi Qasmi,


We are quick to tell the world that India is the ‘mother of democracy’, but the horrors of Manipur tell a different story. A strong message needs to be sent to the government that any inhuman act will be strictly crushed. The law and judiciary must work together to restore harmony in the troubled state.

M. Lakshmi Narayanan,


While India claims to be one of the handful of countries to have launched a lunar mission, on the other hand, there is silence on the heinous crimes in Manipur. What is the real status of women in a country which is called ‘Bharat Mata’ and the President of the country is a woman? Can we ignore this crime as a mere incident? I hope not. That such a perverse crime was covered up for so long shows the power of the ugly people involved. Who will assure the women of India that they are safe and will remain safe?

N. Umamaheswaran,


Abuse against women, both physical and online, is on the rise across India. Incidents of sexual violence abound. Ensuring the safety of women is an important issue that demands our collective efforts. Creating a safe environment includes educating society about gender equality, promoting respect and consent, and addressing the root causes of violence against women. It is essential to foster a culture that values ​​and protects the rights of women, enabling them to live without fear.

Sanjit Pal Singh,

Nawabganj, West Bengal

The video clip is shocking, disturbing and unacceptable. Such inhuman act has no place in a civilized society. It is irrelevant to which community the survivors belong and the state government has to act fast. The state government has to prove that it is ‘for the people’ and not ‘for any political party’.

hreeio bio,
