Lifestyle and Dietary Changes to Keep Heart Diseases Away

Your heart is a complex organ that works continuously to keep the body supplying oxygen-rich blood. A healthy heart means a healthy body, so it is important to take care of it. It is much easier to prevent a disease than it is to recover, and when it comes to heart health, it matters more. Many health conditions, your lifestyle, age and family history can increase your risk of heart disease.

Among the many factors that affect heart health, there are some lifestyle changes that we can implement to reduce the maximum risk of heart diseases. And in this article, we are talking about the implementation of such a lifestyle to keep heart related problems at bay.

be active

Exercise is necessary to keep the heart healthy. Just like exercise helps you gain muscle, it also strengthens your heart. The American Heart Association recommends 75 minutes of vigorous activity (such as running or aerobics) or 150 minutes of moderate exercise (such as brisk walking, swimming or biking) each week. Additionally, incorporate exercise into your daily routine and, if you work at a desk, take frequent breaks to stretch or take a walk.

Eat healthy fats instead of unhealthy fats

Not all fats are considered equal. Foods can contain healthy fats that lower bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, and lower your risk of heart disease, as well as unhealthy fats that clog arteries, make you gain weight, and Raises your blood cholesterol level. Avoid trans fats, which are present in prepackaged foods, margarine and fried fast foods, and limit saturated fats, which are present in butter, high-fat meats and dairy products. Increase your consumption of healthy fats, which are present in foods such as salmon, nuts, seeds and vegetables.

Limit salt and oil intake

Processed food contains a high amount of salt and oil which harm our body in many ways. The oil producing limited sodium and cholesterol helps to prevent any alignment related to the heart. Limit sodium intake to just 2,300 milligrams (1 teaspoon salt). Eat mainly unsaturated fats, such as olive and canola oils.

Read also: 7 early symptoms of liver disease that you need to watch out for

stop smoking

Smoking, as we know, mainly harms the human body, especially the health of the heart. If you stop or limit it to a minimum, it can control your diabetes and high blood pressure.

rest well

It may be surprising to know that sleep contributes to heart health, but it is true. Deep sleep allows your body to enter a period of low blood pressure and heart rate, allowing your heart to rest. It also helps to control your blood pressure, restore the body and reduce stress. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep per night, depending on their age.

avoid fried food

Eat boiled, roasted, baked or poached food instead of fried food. Avoid consuming high calories and fat, mainly saturated and trans fat.

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