Live Broadcast of Pawan Rajan and Arunita Kanjilal Channel, Channel Channel Ektankan Netra

Campaign Campaign of Pawandeep Rajan and Arunita Kanjilal

special things

  • Pawandeep and Arunita’s campaign campaign
  • an inquiry
  • video on social media

New Delhi:

The singing of Pawandeep Rajan (Pavandeep Rajan) and Arunita Kanjilal (Arunita Kanjilal) is touching the hearts of Neve. Adad made a splash on the stage of I Idol 12 (Indian Idol 12). They touch the heart even after the heart is abnormal. According to the data, a TV program of Languages ​​TV broadcast is going to run at a fast pace on social media. .

this also further

Countrywide Romantic Videos
Pawandeep Rajan (Pawandeep Rajan) and Arunita Kanjilal (Arunita Kanjilal) Arun has a lot of inging on social media. Days have been placed on similar videos in a similar way. Arunita Bhanubhashu’s ‘Satya’ song is seen in the video. To touch the hearts of Pawanip Rajan and Arunita in love in the video.

The romantics seen during the show were
Pawandeep Rajan (Pavandeep Rajan) was the Pawan of Pawandil 12 (Indian Idol 12). Tweet Arunita Kanjilal Khel Khel. Dear love spilled on other products for the show. The show is also completely over. Songs of songs from the show have also been seen.


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