Liz Truss’s reaction after Rishi Sunak became the first Indian-origin British PM

New Delhi: Rishi Sunak on Monday (October 24, 2022) became Britain’s first Indian-origin prime minister after winning the race to lead the Conservative Party. Known as one of Westminster’s wealthiest politicians, the 42-year-old has become the country’s youngest leader in modern times – and in less than two months, third. Sunak, who will be appointed the new UK PM by King Charles on Tuesday, will take over during one of the most turbulent eras in British political history. Liz Truss, who stepped down as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on 20 October, congratulated Sunak on being appointed leader of the Conservative Party and as the next Prime Minister of Britain.

On his official Twitter account, he said, “Congratulations Rishi Sunak on being appointed as the Leader of the Conservative Party and our next Prime Minister. You have my full support.”

The truce, in particular, lasted only 44 days in office, when she said she would resign, the need to restore stability in a country grappling with political and economic turmoil.

We need stability and unity now: Rishi Sunak after becoming UK’s new PM

After being elected, a Hindu sage Sunak told the nation It faced a “serious economic challenge”.,

“What we need now is stability and unity and I will make it my top priority to bring my party and the country together,” he said.

In a brief public statement, he said, “I pledge that I will serve you with honesty and humility; and I will work day and night for the British people.”

Rishi Sunak’s Indian Connection

Rishi Sunak is the UK-born son of Indian-origin general practitioner father Yashveer and pharmacist mother Usha. His family had moved from East Africa to Britain in the 1960s.

Born in Southern England, Rishi Sunak rose through some of the world’s top educational institutions – Oxford University and Stanford University, where he met Akshata Murthy, daughter of Indian billionaire NR Narayana Murthy, founder of outsourcing giant Infosys Ltd.

During the previous campaign, Sunak also spoke at length about his diaspora roots and made history by lighting Diwali diyas at 11 Downing Street as the first Indian-origin Chancellor of the Exchequer.

He is a regular at the temple where he was born in Southampton and his daughters, Anoushka and Krishna, are also rooted in Indian culture.

Sunak’s political career began in 2015 with winning a secure Tory seat of Richmond in Yorkshire, and junior roles at the Treasury saw him suddenly rise to the rank of Chancellor of the Exchequer when his former boss, Sajid Javid, resigned in February 2020. Gave.

Meanwhile, news that a Hindu son of the Indian diaspora will be Britain’s new PM has cheered on Indian streets from the crowd celebrating Diwali.

(with agency input)