Lokniti-CSDS Survey on Gujarat: A Note on Methodology

Although the sample is relatively small, the total number of voters interviewed represents the social reality of Gujarat’s voters.

Although the sample is relatively small, the total number of voters interviewed represents the social reality of Gujarat’s voters.

The findings presented here are from a survey-based governance study in Gujarat conducted by the Lokniti program of CSDS, Delhi. The survey was conducted between October 10 and October 23, 2022. A total of 2,135 voters, spread over 80 polling stations in 20 assembly constituencies, were interviewed for the survey, which were chosen at random. The field work of the survey was coordinated by Mahasweta Jani and supervised by Siddharaj Parmar in Gujarat.

The sampling design adopted was multi-stage systematic random sampling (SRS). Assembly segments were randomly selected using the proportional probability of size method. Thereafter, four polling stations were selected within each of the sample assembly constituencies using the SRS method. In each polling station, 40 voters were randomly sampled from the electoral roll using the SRS method. The interviews were conducted face-to-face at the homes of the electors by specially trained field investigators, mostly students from various colleges and universities in Gujarat.

The questionnaire for the survey was translated into Gujarati. Investigators spent a good deal of time with each respondent as each interview took 20 to 25 minutes to complete.

Although the sample is relatively small, the total number of voters interviewed represents the social reality of the voters of Gujarat, i.e. the sample is actually representative of the voters of Gujarat with respect to social structure. To correct for the under-representation of any social group, weights have been applied.

The Lokniti team that coordinated and analyzed the data included Vibha Attri, Jyoti Mishra, Himanshu Kapoor, Hrishikesh Yadav, Himanshu Bhattacharya and Dhananjay Kumar Singh.

Directed by Sanjay Kumar.