Long, hot baths can affect men’s fertility, know why

Last Update: January 07, 2023, 09:07 IST

Taking a hot water bath is one of the most relaxing things to do after a long and tiring day, especially in the winter season

Taking a hot water bath is one of the most relaxing things to do after a long and tiring day, especially in the winter season

Taking a hot water bath is one of the most relaxing things to do after a long and tiring day, especially in the winter season. Hot bath melts away our stress and brings a sense of calmness. While hot water can certainly help improve our mood, have you ever wondered if it has any effect on male fertility?

The testicles are responsible for making sperm and producing testosterone, or the male hormone, which causes changes such as the growth of body hair, muscle development, and deepening of the voice. The testicles are located outside the body cavity and their temperature is about four degrees cooler than the rest of your body. Low temperature is important for the organs to function effectively and produce sperm.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, there are certain germ cells present in the testicles that work best in temperatures slightly lower than your normal body temperature. When the temperature in the region rises even two to four degrees, which may be due to a hot bath or other reasons, the production of both sperm and testosterone is affected.

https://www.health.harvard.edu/womens-health/making-fertility-friendly-lifestyle-choices#:~:text=Men%E2%80%94Avoid%20hot%20water%20and,testosterone%20production%20are %20Negative%20Effective.

When you splash hot water on yourself during a shower or spend time in a hot tub or Jacuzzi, your body temperature is likely to rise. Along with this, the sperm cells also become overheated which can affect the functionality and fertility of the sperm.

Hence, it is advised, especially for men, to avoid taking long hot showers and relaxing in hot tubs to avoid reducing your fertility. However, taking a hot shower isn’t the only lifestyle change you should make. Wearing lingerie, leather pants or bicycle shorts that are too tight can also affect male fertility. These clothes bring the testicles closer to the body, which can result in an increase in their temperature. Wearing shorts made of nylon or other synthetic fabric can have the same result. It is better to wear breathable clothing such as cotton to keep your genitals cool. Plus, it helps keep infections at bay.

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