look | Angry villagers of Aurangabad break chairs, throw pieces at Nitish Kumar during Samadhan Yatra

Last Update: February 14, 2023, 09:00 IST

Last Sunday, violence broke out in Bihar’s Katihar district over the chief minister’s alleged reluctance to listen to the demands of the people. (File photo: PTI)

According to reports, villagers went berserk and broke chairs when security personnel stopped them from meeting Nitish Kumar

Protests and arson are taking place in Nitish Kumar’s ‘Samadhan Yatra’. This time the Chief Minister of Bihar almost became a victim of the anger of the local residents. A chair was thrown at the Janata Dal (United) leader during his visit to Kanchanpur in Aurangabad, Bihar.

The incident took place when the CM had gone to inaugurate the Panchayat Sarkar Bhavan in the area. According to reports, when security personnel stopped them from meeting Kumar, the villagers went berserk and broke chairs. Amidst the uproar, a person threw a broken chair towards the Chief Minister, which fell right in front of him.

Security personnel removed the chair from where Kumar was sitting, and are trying to identify the person who threw it.

On Sunday, Bihar’s Katihar district witnessed violence over the chief minister’s alleged reluctance to stop and listen to people’s demands during the Samadhan Yatra.

Protesters burnt tires and tore posters and flags of Nitish’s Janata Dal United (JDU) along the National Highway 81 in Kodha to block the road at Dighri, without Kumar’s motorcade stopping to meet a large number of people Stopped, who had gathered on both. side of the road.

The local people also raised slogans against him and questioned why he is calling it Samadhan Yatra or Samadhan Yatra when he did not have time to meet him to listen to their problems and demands.

“Educated youth have been forced to become either marginal farmers or hawkers and tea and snack vendors for want of decent jobs. Some are selling vegetables. What solution is Nitish giving us? He doesn’t have time to meet us. He should not have named his tour as Samadhan Yatra. Wire,

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