Love Korean food? Try Veg Spicy Korean Rice Cake (Tteok-Bokki), Video Inside

K-pop culture has made Korean food the latest craze! Watching anime characters eat steamy hot ramen korean tv shows With popular Korean singing groups like BTS and Blackpink sharing their favorite food, Korean cuisine has received a lot of attention from the mainstream media and people have become eager to try Korean cuisine! If you are also wondering about Korean cuisine, we would like to present you the recipe of a classic Korean dish known as tiktok-bokki or spicy Korean rice cakes. It is essentially a spicy dish paired with fish balls, boiled eggs and scallions. While this dish is naturally non-vegetarian, we have found a vegetarian variation of Korean Spiced Rice Cakes so that everyone can try this unique dish. YouTube based food blogger Parul Gupta has shared the complete recipe video of Veg Korean Spicy Rice Cake through her channel ‘Cook with Parul’.

Read also: 5 Lip-Smacking Korean Recipes K-Pop Fans Must Try

How to Make Korean Veg Tteok-Bokki | Korean Spiced Rice Cake Recipe

Begin by preparing the rice cakes. For this, first you have to knead the dough using rice flour, salt and boiling water. The dough should be half hard. Using your hands make a long thin log out of the dough and cut it out as shown in the video below. After this, put the raw sticks in boiling water and cook them. Filter them and let them rest.

Meanwhile boil tomatoes and dry red chillies. Make a puree by putting them in a mixer grinder along with coriander leaves, ginger, garlic, tomato ketchup, soy sauce and white vinegar.

Heat oil in a pan. Fry sesame seeds and chopped onions. Pour the puree into the pan and add black pepper, salt and Kashmiri red chili powder. Add cooked rice sticks and bathe in sauce. Once the sauce mixes with the rice cake, garnish it with chopped green onions and serve hot!

Watch this step by step recipe video of Veg Korean Spicy Rice Cake:

Looks delicious, doesn’t it?! Make it at home and surprise your family with your amazing culinary skills. Tell us in the comment section how you liked it!