Love Lotus Cucumber? 5 Interesting Ways To Include Lotus Cucumber In Your Diet (Recipes Inside)

Lotus stem, also known as Kamal Kakri, Extremely versatile. You can steam, deep fry or stir fry kamal kakdi and enjoy it to the fullest. Plus, it’s also super healthy. Lotus stem is rich in nutrients and benefits our overall health. Nutritionist Pooja Makhija has recently shared a video on Instagram which explains the various benefits of eating kamal kakdi. In the caption, he told that you can enjoy lotus stem in the form of vegetable, salad, curry or pickle.

Pooja Makhija said, “Dal Lake has the largest number of lotus stems in the whole of India. The quality is amazing and is exported everywhere. Lotus stem is an excellent vasodilator as it is rich in potassium. It also controls homocysteine ​​levels due to high pyridoxine. Hence, it is great for heart health.

Read also: 5 Delicious Lotus Stem Recipes You Must Try

This high pyridoxine also helps with nerve endings in our brain and, therefore, helps us with anxiety, depression, short-term memory loss and mood swings, he added. Pyridoxine is a great source of vitamins B and C. Hence, it is good for glowing skin and shiny hair. Lastly, it is also very popular for bleeding disorders, said Pooja. Check out the detailed post here:

Now that you know about the health benefits of lotus stem, how about preparing some at home and consuming it? Here, we bring you some delicious recipes of lotus stem which can be easily made at home. read on.

Here are 5 lotus-stem based recipes for you:

1) Roasted Kamal Kakri

Thinly sliced ​​pieces of Lotus Cucumber make a great snack to eat. It is healthy as it is not deep fried and tastes amazing. So, without much ado, just try making this at home. Serve hot garnished with chopped coriander leaves. find recipe Here,

2) Mixed Salad with Lotus Root

Are you bored of regular salad? If yes, then this is something you need to try. This mixed salad is of course prepared with lotus stem, and a variety of lettuce, red cabbage and pumpkin among other ingredients. The lemongrass sauce enhances the overall flavor of the dish. This recipe is definitely going to appeal to the health conscious. Click Here for recipe.

3) Nandru Yakhni

If you’re looking for something on the heavier side, go for the Nardu Yakhni. It is a popular Kashmiri curry prepared with lotus root and lots of traditional spices. It is excellent in taste and is often full of interesting flavours. Serve it with plain rice or naan for a wonderful experience. recipe Here,

4) Bhi Ji Tikki

This can be a perfect starter for your weekend meal. Food items like tikkis and kebabs are often served as scrumptious snacks or appetizers that you will not regret having at all. It is a Sindhi style dish made with tomatoes and spices. You can have it with your favorite dip. know the recipe Here,

5) Honey Chilli Lotus Stem

This is another recipe that will give you a chance to give lotus stems a makeover. In this recipe, fried lotus stalks are mixed well in a sweet and sour sauce. It is delicious and is liked by people of all age groups. recipe Here,

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